Sure responds to JCRA consultation on Airtel Vodafone acquisition.

Following the Jersey Competition Regulatory Authority (JCRA) announcing a consultation on Sure’s proposed acquisition of Airtel Vodafone in the Channel Islands, Alistair Beak, Sure’s Group CEO, said:

“We welcome the JCRA’s consultation on our intention to acquire Airtel Vodafone in Jersey, which is a significant step forward in the process.

“Once the public consultation concludes, and if the JCRA then approves the merger, the final remaining element to the acquisition proceeding will be securing approval from the Guernsey authorities.

“If the transaction is approved then Sure will embark on a very significant investment of up to £48m in the islands’ mobile networks, bringing the very best 5G mobile technology to the Channel Islands. Customers will benefit from faster data speeds, wider coverage, better value for money and a more resilient and secure mobile network.

“Our agreement with the Channel Islands Coop, announced last week, to facilitate Coop Mobile’s entry to the market as a Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO), strengthens the proposed merger by retaining three operators in the mobile market and, according to the JCRA’s consultation document: ‘the risk of a substantial lessening of competition post-merger is reduced’. The other legally binding commitments we have made to the JCRA provide further protection for consumers.

“Today’s consultation is a step in the right direction for the proposed merger, which we firmly believe is a good deal for Channel Islands’ customers and the islands’ digital futures. We eagerly await the next steps of the process in both islands as to whether this landmark evolution in mobile connectivity can go ahead.”


Issued by Dan Gallienne, Orchard PR, 01481 251251,